地景 Landscape
custom size | 紙張Paper、軟木Cork
PAPIR LAB | 紙間。客製服務
❒ 依照困難度增加訂製費用。
❒ 開始製作作品前先須先付款完成。
❒ 客製服務需 40個工作天以上的製作期。
❒ PAPIR LAB的作品中是不放人物的,可用人的英文名字裝飾取代。
❒ 購買後,PAPIR LAB會附上如何照顧紙地景的說明。
可接單更改顏色 或是 更改現有物件配置的訂製>> 填寫此表單
Customized service
✏ Step 1|Decide the size and budget you wish.
(please refer to the online shop and IG works as a benchmark).
✏ Step 2|List the "must-have" and "hope to have" contents
and send me those photos.
(For example ** lake + photos >must have. ***church + photos >maybe ).
PAPIR LAB will give suggestions for modification according to the size and budget of your wish. If the work is complex and there are many new elements, PAPIR LAB will provide a sketch for confirmation.
❒ According to the difficulty of new elements,
each new design part will increase the price from 20€+.
❒ You can change the color of existing elements.
❒ The payment will go through PINKOI online shop or PayPal, and the payment needs to be completed before the design starts.
❒ Customized service requires 40+ working days to finish.
❒ PAPIR LAB doesn’t put the human character in the works. But it could be their names’ letters.
❒ It will be an instruction on how to take care of the paper landscape.
▶ Custom-order CLOSED
The custom orders service will reopen in the future.
If you just want color-change or re-configuration, no new design element.
Welcome to e-mail me about what you want.